On December 10, 2024, at 09.00 – 12.00 hrs., Dr.Jumpoth Boriraj, the Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus, along with his executive team and faculty member, visited the University of San Carlos, Cebu, Republic of the Philippines. The KUMS delegates were warmly welcomed by Br. Béla Lányi SVD, the Director of the Office of External Relations and Internationalization, Mr. Challoner A.Matero, Director of Accounting Program, and Dr. Ethel Catamco, Director of Business Administration Program, together with the faculty staff.

The purpose of this visit is to engage in discussions about the potential academic collaborations, which the parties agreed to develop an academic partnership and will further discuss about the details in initiating the student exchange program with credit transfer and the short-term student exchange Program. Moreover, the representatives from the two institutions also exchanged their opinions and shared their insights on educational administration and hands-on learning program arrangement with the esteemed companies in the Philippines, which can be viewed as an opportunity to develop student’s competencies and to strengthen the sustainable collaborative relationship between the two institutions.